Friday, May 22, 2009

Great Tips For Termite Protection

Are you scared stiff that your house is infested with termites? You need to understand that these termites are insects that cause slow destruction to the wood in your house. All the wooden areas will start going hollow once they are infected with termites and the worst part is that you will not even know until great damage is done. It is always better to use termite protection steps in your home and see to it that you are safe and away from termites.

Termite protection of your house starts with preventing these termites to have favorable conditions near your house so that they can thrive. The first step that you need to follow in termite protection is to keep the area surrounding your house clean and clear from wood based commodities like paper, cardboard, wood pieces etc. If you have a ladder then make sure that you do no store it in a manner that it has contacts with your house. These are areas that termites attack for their food supply.

An important termite protection tip is to check and plan your house while you are constructing it. Make sure that the wooden poles and other structures are kept away from the ground so that they do not have direct contact with the earth. If you are planning on wooden fences, then it is necessary that you plan to construct it at a distance and periodic inspections are a must.

All of us love to have a kitchen garden. But make sure that the plants and trees that you plan to have are placed at a safe distance from your house for termite protection, failing which you will surely notice the presence of an entire colony of termites in your garden and affecting your house becomes very easy for them.

The best way to deal with termite protection is to use wood that is borate treated for your house. This will keep away the termites and will not allow them to feed on the wood in your house.

Don't you want a termite free home? You need professional help in finding the right tips for termite protection. One such guide is available at Preventtermiteintrusion which will provide you with easy do it yourself methods to get rid of termites.

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