Friday, June 5, 2009

Homemade Solar Power - Living Off the Grid

Just imagine it, coming home after work, putting your feet up on the couch, television on, stereo blaring and all the lights on in the house... now imagine you don't feel any guilt about the impact your having on the environment or the pain in your wallet doesn't exist. Welcome to living off the grid.

More and more householders are moving to homemade solar power in their attempts to be independent from the power grid and save a heap of money at the same time.

I guess some of you may be asking, isn't all that energy consumption irresponsible? well it would be if we weren't using homemade solar power to supply our appliances. Solar energy is an extremely clean form of energy, no pollutants or emissions to worry about here, whilst the sun hangs up there in the sky solar energy is a renewable energy, best of all solar is free once you have your system installed and running.

So whats the catch I hear you cry? well currently purchasing a traditional solar power system and having it installed is ridiculously expensive. Enter the new wave of DIY solar power kits. All over the internet you can find guides which show you how to build your own diy solar power kit and produce your own free homemade solar power.

Whether you are looking to totally convert to solar energy of compliment your existing supply, the bliss that is living off the grid and the satisfaction of giving it to the man! is now within reach, no longer will your power be regulated by government bodies, you will be free to use as much as you want.

These Homemade Solar Power guides are amazing in the fact they are so simple to follow. You will have your diy solar power kit assembled and up and running in no time. You get an ebook and videos to follow along in a step by step process. It even shows you how to sell excess energy back to the power grid!

So do you and your family a favor and stick it to the man! read more about Homemade Solar Power - Living off the Grid

Like most things released in this format there are some products to avoid, [Click Here] for a review on the best DIY Solar Power Kits available on the web.
Jon Elsdon is a Solar Energy - Homemade Solar Power Consultant and Environmentalist. Jon is editor of DIY Solar Power.

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