Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Home Filtration of Tap Water and Why You Need It

Home filtration of tap water is a necessary topic to learn about. If you are like I was a few months ago, you may not have given your tap water a second thought. I turned on the faucet and expected clean healthy refreshing drink. Little did I know, I needed a home filtration of tap water in order to assure myself of the healthy drink I expected.

Let me tell you some of the things I learned about the quality of our tap water.

Our H2O contains hundreds, even thousands of toxic chemicals. Our municipal companies are out dated and do not have the right equipment to effectively take out all contaminates in our drinking water.

The chlorine that is used to prevent water borne diseases is a threat to our heath. According to the U. S. Council of Environmental Quality, "Cancer risk among people using chlorinated water is as much as 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine products."

Since chlorine is the cheapest method for our municipalities to protect us against bacteria in our water, they continue to use it. And since they don't use a filtration method to remove the chlorine we need home filtration of tap water to protect us from the dangers of chlorine in our H2O.

Besides chlorine in our tap water, we also need to remove other contaminates like lead, pesticides, herbicides, pharmaceuticals drugs and a host of other dangerous chemicals that find their way into our drinking supplies. Anyone who drinks from what comes out of their kitchen faucet, is at risk for many diseases from heart trouble to cancer, even gastrointestinal illnesses, which we chalk up to stomach flu.

I'm sure no one reading this article would considering drinking from their bottle of week killer, but essentially when you turn on your faucet you could be consuming weed killers. Weed killers get into our water system from ground water runoff, and most cities filtering systems do not remove these contaminates before sending out drinking water to our houses.

Since the cities municipalities are not removing all of these dangerous substances it is up to us to protect ourselves by installing a home filtration of tap water to adequately purify what comes out of our faucets.

There are many types of home purification products on the market. They are effective and inexpensive. For the best system on the market the cost to purify a gallon of water is roughly 9 cents. The best system on the market can remove all the dangerous chemicals I've mentioned.

Now that I've explained why our H2O is contaminated hopefully you are ready to go shopping for a home purification system. Look for a system that combine various methods of filtration, so you will be sure the system you get will remove all contaminates from your water. The best system will combine carbon filtration, multi block filtration, sub micron filtration and an ion exchange to give you the best tasting healthiest water you can find.

Don't wait. Shop online today and find the best home filtration of tap water system available.

Juanita Ruby is passionate about health. She knows our bodies contain 70% water, thus the quality of our water greatly affects our health. Visit her website at http://www.your-best-water-site.com/ to discover which Home filtration of tap water system she trusts for her family's health.

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