Saturday, May 30, 2009

How Cosmetic Dentists Repair Damaged Teeth and Fix Smiles

Whether you have a tooth flawed by a small chip or damaged with extensive decay, you need to get it fixed. The big question is how. A cosmetic dentist has several options to choose from including veneers and dental implants. The treatment used will depend on the location of the damaged tooth, the type of damage, and the cost of the treatment.


Teeth exhibiting wear, chips, or breaks are ideal candidates for veneers. Discoloration, gaps, or those that are shorter than the others can also benefit from this treatment. The cosmetic dentist will examine the tooth and take an x-ray to get an accurate look at any damage that may be present and an idea of how best to fix it. The dental expert then removes any decay and files a half millimeter of enamel off the tooth. You will need to have an impression taken of the tooth that goes to a special lab where the 'false cover' is made.

Once the porcelain covers come back from the lab, the dental expert cleans, dries, and coats the tooth with specialized cement. He covers the tooth with the veneer, ensuring it is in place. Finally, a special light cures the cement before removing any excess materials, softening any sharp edges, and checking your bite.


Instead of being premade, the cosmetic dentist can complete this treatment usually in one appointment and without the need for a lab. The dental expert removes any decay and roughens the surface of the enamel like any other treatment. Then, he paints the composite resin on the tooth, curing it between layers. Once the material is built up heavy enough on the tooth, it's filed and buffed into a natural shape that matches the rest of your smile. Unfortunately, this treatment is that it isn't as resilient to pressure or wear as veneers are.

Dental Implants

In cases where the tooth is beyond saving, you will need an extraction and dental implant. After the damaged tooth is removed, the cosmetic dentist will insert a metal post into the gums. Depending on your jaw structure and the number of teeth removed, you can have different styles of posts, have a partial bridge, or numerous dental implants instead.

You then need to wait for the area to heal and for the bone to grow around the metal. In the meantime, the expert will have the lab make a 'false tooth' out of metal, porcelain, or ceramic. When the post for the dental implant has healed, the dentist will add a connector and the false tooth. They last approximately 20 years and are far more resistant when it comes to normal actions such as chewing.

Whether you need dental implants in Miami, or veneers in Los Angeles, there is hope for damaged teeth that will inevitably detract from your looks and deteriorate your health. If you have a tooth that has damaged or just doesn't look right, talk to your cosmetic dentist to find a treatment that suits you best.

Christine O'Kelly is an author for Miami Beach Dentistry, the leading Miami veneers providers. They offer dental implants in Miami as well as a full line of general and cosmetic dentist treatments to patients of all ages.

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